What Are Some Facts About Steve Jobs

What are some untold facts about Steve Jobs

  1. Steve Jobs began smoking marijuana when he was only 15 year old
  2. Steve and Chrisann Brennan were both are 23 years old, the same age his biological parents; Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble had when they had Jobs.
  3. Vegetarianism. Steve after reading a book Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé http://www.amazon.com/Diet-Small... It reinforced his extreme diets, long fasting and sometimes he could go for an entire week eating only apples, or carrot salads
  4. The reality distortion field. If there is anything Steve Jobs was most known for, it is his unacceptance of reality, his unique talent. Jobs could convince anyone anything practically impossible. (E.g. The Macintosh launch, the iPhone development, etc.)https://beinspiredchannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/SteveJobsBook.jpg
  5. Steve was a very-hard-to-predict man. One minute something could be great and few minutes later awful. People would be genius today and tomorrow full of sh*t. Steve was known also for "Stealing ideas" You could tell him a new idea and he tell you that he thinks it's stupid. Then, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and propose the exact idea as if his own idea
  6. A true master of product launches. Some of his historical product launch, The Macintosh in 1984, IPod in 2001, iPad in 2010, he knew how to stoke excitement, it was phenomenal.
  7. iCEO. When Jobs returned to apple (from July 1997), it took him more than 2 years to drop iCEO (Interim CEO) to CEO title, and surprisingly he was paid only $1 per year and no stock options for almost 2 years and a half. When asked about this he said "I was not coming back to get rich"https://blogs-images.forbes.com/larryhusten/files/2014/02/80823322-e1393515317718.jpg
  8. His Perfectionism. Steve was attached to tiny details that almost everyone would overlook. This is a conversation between Steve and one of his engineer George Crow. http://www.folklore.org/StoryVie... other examples include the designing of apple stores, the pure white color of the iPod, the removal of on/off button on the iPad and so on. 
  9. Simplicity. From his own company apple to his own lifestyle he was very simple. He believed Real Artists Simplify.
  10. Cancer. Jobs refused to have a surgery to remove the tumor, insisting that there were other alternatives that can cure him like herbal medicines, acupuncture, strict vegan diet and a few other treatments. A decision which he later regretted.
  11. The signing party. Since Steve was portrayed himself as an artist, the Macintosh team were supposed to be artists. He had an idea "Great artists sign their work". So each team member on the Macintosh team had their signatures on the hard tool inside the case (which is now the culture in every product design even in other companies). Of course it was invisible to the end user!


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