Unbelievable Facts About China

Let us know some facts about CHINA.
China is now leading the world into the future.
  • The country just became the world’s largest Solar Power producer.
  • China is pouring $364 billion into renewable power generation.
  • The country reached it’s 2020 solar power target three years early.
    • At this rate it will fulfill its goals of cutting greenhouse emissions by 2020.
  • Atleast 40 hospitals in China have deployed IBM’s Watson.
  • They are using Al to improve healthcare and speed up diagnoses.
  • Chinese scientists invented rice that can grow in saline water.
    • Which can feed over 200 million people.
  • They also discovered a way to turn sand into fertile soil.
    • Which help them convert desert land into lands rich with crops.
  • China signed a $300m deal to buy lab-grown meal from Israel.
    • With the hope of reducing the impact of meat industry on the climate.
  • Atleast 1 billion Chinese could be using 5G mobile networks by 2023.
  • Most Chinese consumers are now using mobile payment instead of cash.
  • China and Europe are teaming up to build a base on the moon.
  • The nation will also send unmanned probe to Mars by the end of 2020.
  • China built the world’s largest telescope to study the universe.
  • China is also constructing vertical forest buildings.
